An Acclaimed Author
Who Writes Under Multiple Names.
Not to Mention Personalities.

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“Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy,
he thought. For the price of admission, you get a
splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to
commit murder, and an inferiority complex.”
Dark Lover

“I was dead until you found me, though I breathed.
I was sightless, though I could see.
And then you came . . . and I was awakened.”
Lover Awakened

“But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate.”
Lover Revealed

“You never knew the last time you were seeing someone. You didn't know when the last argument happened, or the last time you had sex, or the last time you looked into their eyes and thanked God they were in your life.”
Lover Mine

“There were few things on the planet more aggressive
or dangerous. And those bastards were called
hurricanes and tornadoes.”
Lover Awakened

“But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate.”
Lover Revealed


Born Jessica Rowley Pell Jessica in 1969 in Massachusetts, Jessica is the daughter of W. Gillette Bird, Jr. and Maxine F. Bird.

She began writing as a child, penning her thoughts in diaries as well as inventing short stories. The summer before she went to college she wrote her first book, a romance novel. After that, she wrote regularly, but for herself. Jessica attended Smith College where she double majored in history and art history, concentrating on the medieval period. She then received a law degree from Albany Law School and worked in healthcare administration for many years, including as the Chief of Staff at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

In 2001, Jessica married John Neville Blakemore III. Her new husband encouraged her to try to get an agent and market her manuscripts. She found an agent, and in 2002 her first novel, a contemporary romance called Leaping Hearts, was published.

Several years later, Jessica invented a world populated by vampires and began writing single-title paranormal romance novels under the pen name J.R. Ward. These novels are a series, known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Jessica likes to write series novels that incorporate characters from her previous books. She likens the process of creating a series to "meeting friends through other friends." Her heroes are most often alpha males, "the tougher, the cockier, the more arrogant, the better," while the heroines are smart and strong.

The Romance Writers of America awarded her the RITA Award for Best Short Contemporary Romance in 2007 for her novel From the First. She has also been nominated six times for Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Awards, winning once for Lover Awakened. She was also number 2 on the New York Times Bestsellers List of 2014.